条形码作为一种机器可识别的图形,它能快速、准确地标识某种产品或商品,在许多数据库应用中起作很重要的作用,如超市收银、车站售票等场合。当某件物品上带有的条形码被条码扫描器正确解读后,将会得到该物品的唯一标识字符串,通过检索数据库我们就可以很容易知道它的一些其它属性并作相应处理。虽然在Internet上能找到许多免费和不免费的条形码打印控件,但是这些控件除了使用不方便外,还有一个最大的缺点:它们的打印输出不能和我们的程序共存在一个打印页面上,比如说在一个过程中,我们先向系统 Printer 中输出一些内容,然后再调用控件的条形码打印方法,最后打印的结果为两页!,如果现在我们要处理一张车票,上面不仅要打印条形码,还要有终点站和票价等信息,那么控件就变得不可用。对程序员来说,可能还是希望能了解条形码打印的原理,本文提出两种打印方法与同行们探讨。
有许多打印机能够直接打印条形码,但在 VB 中,我们在DOS时代熟悉的LPRINT语句已经不能再使用了,打印操作被Windows的Spool系统完全接管,输出是以“页”为单位,所有的打印输出都被Windows转换为图形发送给打印驱动程序。而要使打印机打印条形码就必须将对应的ESC序列直接发送给它,因此我们就要想办法避开Windows的Spool系统,也就是说再程序中不能使用Printer对象和Printers集合处理打印输出,在VB中要将ESC指令直接发送给打印机至少有三种方法,前两种方法是调用Windows API 函数:Escape()和SpoolFile(),第三种是最容易的方法:打开打印机端口进行二进制存取,我们主要考虑这种方法。
即使在Windows时代,”LPT1:”和”PRN”仍然是可用的,下面我们先作一个试验:打开一个DOS窗口,在提示符下输入COPY CON LPT1:回车,然后随便输入一些字符,最后按F6键,打印机就开始工作了,它将打印出你输入的那些字符!下面的代码演示了直接将指令和字符发送给打印机:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strOut As String
StrOut = “这是直接发送到打印机端口的字符串”
‘ 打开打印机端口,其中的”LPT1:”可能需要根据你的打印机设置而改变
Open “LPT1:” For Binary Access Write As #1
‘ 发送给打印机,注意语句的最后一个参数必须是变量
Put #1, ,strOut
‘ 关闭打印机端口
Close #1
End Sub
各种打印机打印条形码的指令可能不同,比如将上面的变量 strOut赋值为:
strOut = Chr(28) & “P” & Chr(5) & Chr(2) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & Chr(6) & “012345”
将在 AR2400 打印机上打印出内容为”012345”的 CODE39 格式的条形码。具体的打印控制指令请参考打印机手册。
1、 每五条线表示一个字符;
2、 粗线表示1,细线表示0;
3、 线条间的间隙宽的表示1,窄的表示0;
4、 五条线加上它们之间的四条间隙就是九位二进制编码,而且这九位中必定有三位是1,所以称为39码;
5、 条形码的首尾各一个*标识开始和结束
上图中的字符*就可以解读为 001101000,字符3解读为 110000100
注释: 将字符串 strBarCode 对应的条形码输出到缺省打印机
Private Sub PrintBarCode( _
ByVal strBarCode As String, _
Optional ByVal intXPos As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal intYPos As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal intPrintHeight As Integer = 10, _
Optional ByVal bolPrintText As Boolean = True _
注释: 参数说明:
注释: strBarCode - 要打印的条形码字符串
注释: intXPos, intYPos - 打印条形码的左上角坐标(缺省为(0,0),坐标刻度为:毫米)
注释: intHeight - 打印高度(缺省为一厘米,坐标刻度为:毫米)
注释: bolPrintText - 是否打印人工识别字符(缺省为true)
注释: "0"-"9","A-Z","-","%","$"和"*" 的条码编码格式,总共 40 个字符
Static strBarTable(39) As String
注释: 初始化条码编码格式表
strBarTable(0) = "001100100" 注释: 0
strBarTable(1) = "100010100" 注释: 1
strBarTable(2) = "010010100" 注释: 2
strBarTable(3) = "110000100" 注释: 3
strBarTable(4) = "001010100" 注释: 4
strBarTable(5) = "101000100" 注释: 5
strBarTable(6) = "011000100" 注释: 6
strBarTable(7) = "000110100" 注释: 7
strBarTable(8) = "100100100" 注释: 8
strBarTable(9) = "010100100" 注释: 9
strBarTable(10) = "100010010" 注释: A
strBarTable(11) = "010010010" 注释: B
strBarTable(12) = "110000010" 注释: C
strBarTable(13) = "001010010" 注释: D
strBarTable(14) = "101000010" 注释: E
strBarTable(15) = "011000010" 注释: F
strBarTable(16) = "000110010" 注释: G
strBarTable(17) = "100100010" 注释: H
strBarTable(18) = "010100010" 注释: I
strBarTable(19) = "001100010" 注释: J
strBarTable(20) = "100010001" 注释: K
strBarTable(21) = "010010001" 注释: L
strBarTable(22) = "110000001" 注释: M
strBarTable(23) = "001010001" 注释: N
strBarTable(24) = "101000001" 注释: O
strBarTable(25) = "011000001" 注释: P
strBarTable(26) = "000110001" 注释: Q
strBarTable(27) = "100100001" 注释: R
strBarTable(28) = "010100001" 注释: S
strBarTable(29) = "001100001" 注释: T
strBarTable(30) = "100011000" 注释: U
strBarTable(31) = "010011000" 注释: V
strBarTable(32) = "110001000" 注释: W
strBarTable(33) = "001011000" 注释: X
strBarTable(34) = "101001000" 注释: Y
strBarTable(35) = "011001000" 注释: Z
strBarTable(36) = "000111000" 注释: -
strBarTable(37) = "100101000" 注释: %
strBarTable(38) = "010101000" 注释: $
strBarTable(39) = "001101000" 注释: *
If strBarCode = "" Then Exit Sub 注释: 不打印空串
注释: 保存打印机 ScaleMode
Dim intOldScaleMode As ScaleModeConstants
intOldScaleMode = Printer.ScaleMode
注释: 保存打印机 DrawWidth
Dim intOldDrawWidth As Integer
intOldDrawWidth = Printer.DrawWidth
注释: 保存打印机 Font
Dim fntOldFont As StdFont
Set fntOldFont = Printer.Font
Printer.ScaleMode = vbTwips 注释: 设置打印用的坐标刻度为缇(twip=1)
Printer.DrawWidth = 1 注释: 线宽为 1
Printer.FontName = "宋体" 注释: 打印在条码下方字符的字体和大小
Printer.FontSize = 10
Dim strBC As String 注释: 要打印的条码字符串
strBC = Ucase(strBarCode)
注释: 将以毫米表示的 X 坐标转换为以缇表示
Dim x As Integer
x = Printer.ScaleX(intXPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)
注释: 将以毫米表示的 Y 坐标转换为以缇表示
Dim y As Integer
y = Printer.ScaleY(intYPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)
注释: 将以毫米表示的高度转换为以缇表示
Dim intHeight As Integer
intHeight = Printer.ScaleY(intPrintHeight, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)
注释: 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符
If bolPrintText = True Then
注释: 条码打印高度要减去下面的字符显示高度
intHeight = intHeight - Printer.TextHeight(strBC)
End If
Const intWidthCU As Integer = 30 注释: 粗线和宽间隙宽度
Const intWidthXI As Integer = 10 注释: 细线和窄间隙宽度
Dim intIndex As Integer 注释: 当前处理的字符串索引
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer 注释: 循环控制变量
注释: 添加起始字符
If Left(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then
strBC = "*" & strBC
End If
注释: 添加结束字符
If Right(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then
strBC = strBC & "*"
End If
注释: 循环处理每个要显示的条码字符
For i = 1 To Len(strBC)
注释: 确定当前字符在 strBarTable 中的索引
Select Case Mid(strBC, i, 1)
Case "*"
intIndex = 39
Case "$"
intIndex = 38
Case "%"
intIndex = 37
Case "-"
intIndex = 36
Case "0" To "9"
intIndex = CInt(Mid(strBC, i, 1))
Case "A" To "Z"
intIndex = Asc(Mid(strBC, i, 1)) - Asc("A") + 10
Case Else
MsgBox "要打印的条形码字符串中包含无效字符!当前版本只支持字符 注释:0注释:-注释:9注释:,注释:A注释:-注释:Z注释:,注释:-注释:,注释:%注释:,注释:$注释:和注释:*注释:"
End Select
注释: 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符
If bolPrintText = True Then
Printer.CurrentX = x
Printer.CurrentY = y + intHeight
Printer.Print Mid(strBC, i, 1)
End If
For j = 1 To 5
注释: 画细线
If Mid(strBarTable(intIndex), j, 1) = "0" Then
For k = 0 To intWidthXI - 1
Printer.Line (x + k, y)-Step(0, intHeight)
Next k
x = x + intWidthXI
注释: 画宽线
For k = 0 To intWidthCU - 1
Printer.Line (x + k, y)-Step(0, intHeight)
Next k
x = x + intWidthCU
End If
注释: 每个字符条码之间为窄间隙
If j = 5 Then
x = x + intWidthXI * 3
Exit For
End If
注释: 窄间隙
If Mid(strBarTable(intIndex), j + 5, 1) = "0" Then
x = x + intWidthXI * 3
注释: 宽间隙
x = x + intWidthCU * 2
End If
Next j
Next i
注释: 恢复打印机 ScaleMode
Printer.ScaleMode = intOldScaleMode
注释: 恢复打印机 DrawWidth
Printer.DrawWidth = intOldDrawWidth
注释: 恢复打印机 Font
Set Printer.Font = fntOldFont
End Sub
那个过程大致相同,只是不能在控件中直接使用VB的Printer对象,否则VB会将你在控件中的打印输出处理为一个单独的页面,而是应该将Printer.hDc传给它,通过调用那些需要指定 HDC 的Windows API函数实现与容器的打印输出在一个页面上,比如我们可以这样定义这个控件的打印方法:
注释: PrintIt 方法将对应的条形码输出到缺省打印机
Public Sub PrintIt(ByVal PrintDC As Long, _
Optional ByVal intXPos As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal intYPos As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal intPrintHeight As Integer = 10)
既然不能使用Printer对象,那么画线和输出文字也不能使用Printer对象的Line和Print方法,在我们的程序中至少要申明以下三个Windows API函数:
‘ 移动画笔的位置
Private Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
‘ 从画笔的当前位置到(x,y)画一条线
Private Declare Function LineTo Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
‘ 在(x,y)处输出一个字符串
Private Declare Function TextOut Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long
‘ MoveToEx() 函数需要的参数
Private Type POINTAPI
xp As Long
yp As Long
End Type
Dim papi As POINTAPI
MoveToEx PrintDC, x + k, y, papi
LineTo PrintDC, x + k, y + intHeight + 1
TextOut PrintDC, x, y + intHeight, Mid(strBC, i + 1, 1), 1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim B, C As String
Me.AutoRedraw = True
K = 1
For I = 1 To 100
B = Int(Rnd() * 10)
C = C & B
If Len(C) > 13 Then Exit For
Next I
Print C
End Sub
4、vb 条形码如何生成后, 如何存储到在数据库中 是图片还数据格式存储的, 如何在水晶报表上实现打印
一般保存数字就好了 条形码可以用条形码的字体来打印 比较常用的是 CODE39
code128码 用字体打印出来可能扫描不出来
我没用控件做过 我们做的都是用水晶报表做的!~ 在里面选你需要的字体就可以了~ 条形码也是一种字体!~
1 查找条形码生成规则,或者直接找C语言的开源代码,制作封装字符串转条形码的接口函数;
2 读入要转换的数据;
3 将要转换的数据,通过1中的函数接口,转为图形点阵值。由于条形码只有黑白两色,所以这里可以用0,1两种值用矩阵表示;
4 根据编译器,启动图形界面,初始化图形区域;
5 在图形区域的空间内,按照0 1值,在对应点上上色,其中0上白色,1上黑色。
Private Declare FunctionInitRead Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” (ByVal hcallwnd As Long, ByVal pathnameAs String) As Long
Private Declare FunctionCloseRead Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” () As Long
Private Declare SubSetPdfConFile Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” (ByVal confile As String)
Private Declare FunctionEnPdfText Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” (ByVal txtData As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionEnCodePdf Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionMakePdf417 Lib “EnCodePdf.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByValpictfile As String, ByVal otherfile As String, ByVal outfile As String) AsString
Private Declare SubSetQrConFile Lib “EnCodeQr.dll” (ByVal confile As String)
Private Declare FunctionEnQrText Lib “EnCodeQr.dll” (ByVal txtData As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionEnCodeQr Lib “EnCodeQr.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionMakeQrCode Lib “EnCodeQr.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByVal pictfileAs String, ByVal otherfile As String, ByVal outfile As String) As String
Private Declare SubSetDmConFile Lib “EnDataMatrix.dll” (ByVal confile As String)
Private Declare FunctionEnDmText Lib “EnDataMatrix.dll” (ByVal txtData As String, ByValoutfile As String) As String
Private Declare FunctionEnDataMatrix Lib “EnDataMatrix.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByValoutfile As String) As String
Private Declare FunctionMakeDataMatrix Lib “EnDataMatrix.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByValpictfile As String, ByVal otherfile As String, ByVal outfile As String) AsString
Private Declare SubSetHxConFile Lib “EnHanXin.dll” (ByVal confile As String)
Private Declare FunctionEnHxText Lib “EnHanXin.dll” (ByVal txtData As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionEnCodeHx Lib “EnHanXin.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByVal outfileAs String) As String
Private Declare FunctionMakeHanXin Lib “EnHanXin.dll” (ByVal txtfile As String, ByValpictfile As String, ByVal otherfile As String, ByVal outfile As String) AsString
Private Declare FunctionSetCurrentDirectory Lib “kernel32” Alias“SetCurrentDirectoryA” (ByVal lpPathName As String) As Long
Private Declare Lib “kernel32” Alias“WritePrivateProfileStringA” (ByVal lpApplicationName As String,ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName As String) AsLong
Private Declare FunctionGetPrivateProfileInt Lib “kernel32” Alias“GetPrivateProfileIntA” (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVallpKeyName As String, ByVal nDefault As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) AsLong
Private Declare Lib “kernel32” Alias“GetPrivateProfileStringA” (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVallpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String,ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare FunctionSetWindowLong Lib “user32” Alias “SetWindowLongA” (ByValhwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare FunctionSetParent Lib “user32” (ByVal hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParentAs Long) As Long
'exports from nlcomp.dll 图像压缩函数
Private Declare FunctionSizeDIB Lib “Wcomp.dll” (ByVal oldmap As String, ByVal BmpHeight AsInteger, ByVal BmpWidth As Integer) As Long
Private Declare FunctionWcompress Lib “Wcomp.dll” (ByVal infile As String, ByVal outfile AsString, ByVal budget As Long) As Long
Private Declare FunctionWdecompress Lib “Wcomp.dll” (ByVal infile As String, ByVal outfile AsString) As Long
If (txtfile<> “” Or binBmpFile <> “”) Then
If m_bWorkMode = 1 Then 'PDF417
SetPdfConFile (Edit_ConFileName.Text)
If (Edit_ImgFileName.Text <> “”) Then
strBmpFile = MakePdf417(txtfile, binBmpFile,“”, “”)
strBmpFile = EnPdfText(Edit_Source.Text,“”)
End If
ElseIf m_bWorkMode = 2 Then 'Qr_Code
SetQrConFile (Edit_ConFileName.Text)
If (Edit_ImgFileName.Text <> “”) Then
strBmpFile = MakeQrCode(txtfile, binBmpFile,“”, “”)
strBmpFile = EnQrText(Edit_Source.Text,“”)
End If
ElseIf m_bWorkMode = 3 Then ' DataMatrix
SetDmConFile (Edit_ConFileName.Text)
If (Edit_ImgFileName.Text <> “”) Then
strBmpFile = MakeDataMatrix(txtfile,binBmpFile, “”, “”)
strBmpFile = EnDmText(Edit_Source.Text,“”)
End If
SetHxConFile (Edit_ConFileName.Text)
If (Edit_ImgFileName.Text <> “”) Then
strBmpFile = MakeHanXin(txtfile, binBmpFile,“”, “”)
strBmpFile = EnHxText(Edit_Source.Text,“”)
End If
End If
If Cmd_OpenComm.Caption = “连接串口” Then
Call SetPdfConFile(Edit_ConFileName.Text)
If InitRead(Me.hwnd, App.Path + “\”) = 1 Then
Cmd_OpenComm.Caption = “断开串口”
End If
Else ’关闭串口
If CloseRead() = 1 Then
Cmd_OpenComm.Caption = “连接串口”
End If
End If
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim FileNo As Integer
Dim strTmp As String
Dim strBmpFile As String
strBmpFile = App.Path & “\temp.bmp”
If KeyCode = 255 Then
FileNo = FreeFile()
Open App.Path & “\temp.txt” For Input As #FileNo
Edit_Source.Text = “”
Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
strTmp = “”
Input #FileNo, strTmp
Edit_Source.Text = Edit_Source.Text & strTmp & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Close #FileNo
If Dir(strBmpFile) <> “” Then
Kill (strBmpFile)
End If
If Dir(App.Path & “\temp.img”) <> “” Then
If FileLen(App.Path & “\temp.img”) > 10 Then
Call Wdecompress(App.Path & “\temp.img”, strBmpFile)
End If
End If
If Dir(strBmpFile) <> “” Then
Image_Bar.Picture = LoadPicture(strBmpFile)
Image_Bar.Picture = LoadPicture(“”)
End If
Cmd_Print.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
EAN是比较好实现的码制,用微软自带的就可以,或者下载个EAN的条码字体即可在一般的text中处理。连接ACCESS数据库,因为是自己写的程序,直连取记录集,然后在记录集中循环取值给条码控件,同时刷新控件即可。你这个关键在于打印,用print 截屏即可 这样最简单。