Lean Proction 是專有的名詞,就是這么翻譯,參考下面:
50年代日本豐田汽車公司創造了豐田生產方式,經過美國MIT為首的學術界和企業的效仿和發展,到上個世紀90年代中期,已經形成為一種新的管理觀念——"精益思想Lean Thinking"。精益思想在製造業中的應用,即"精益生產Lean proction"極大地降低了製造成本、縮短了開發和製造的周期、顯著地增強了企業的競爭能力
至於Technology Innovation,technology是名詞做定語,英語中很常見,沒問題
3、青年科技創新人才培養工程 英語怎麼說
Youth Science and technology innovation personnel training project
4、創新大學英語綜合教程高專高職第二版課文london underground全文翻譯
創意設計的英文:Creative design
創意設計(Creative Design)是指通過極具特色的視覺創意來展現品牌形象,並對品牌理念和內涵進行精準闡釋,同時給受眾以美好聯想和視覺享受。
1、創意設計師 Creative Director
2、創意設計桌椅 Creative Design
3、互動創意設計師 Interactive Designer
4、雜志創意設計經典 Magazine Design That Works
5、廣告創意設計 Advertising Creative Design
1、Creative design of valve promises the safest control.
2、Determination the Object of Mechanical Procts for Creative Design Based on V.E.
3、Last year, I got the second prize for my creative design in Wuhan College Student Fashion Design Competition.
4、We know also creative design and professional service directly incarnate customer high standard demand.
5、Our creative design and engineering team are continually developing new procts that inspire and excite our customers.
Unit 1
1. 那是個正式的宴會,我照媽媽對我講的那樣穿著禮服去了。
Asit was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.
2. 他的女友勸他趁抽煙的壞習慣還未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。
Hisgirlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid ofhis bad habit of smoking before it took hold.
3. 他們預料到下幾個月電的需求量很大,決定增加生產。
Anticipating that the demand for electricitywill be high ring the next few months,they have decided to increase its proction.
4. 據說比爾因一再違反公司的安全規章而被解僱。
Itis said that Bill has been fired forcontinually violating the company』s safety rules. Bill is saidto have beenfired for continually violating the company』s safety rules.
5. 據報道地方政府已採取適當措施避免嚴重缺水的可能性。
Itis reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid thepossibility ofa severe water shortage. The local government is reported to havetaken proper measures to avoid thepossibility of a severe water shortage.
Unit 2
1) 半個小時過去了,但末班車還沒來。 我們只好走回家。
Half an hour had gone by, but the last bushadn』t come yet. We had to walk home.
2) 瑪麗看上去對漢語考試很擔心,因為她還沒有背熟課文。
Mary seems to be very worried about theChinese exam because she hasn』t learned the texts by heart.
3) 既然籃球賽已被推遲,我們不妨去參觀博物館。
Since the basketball match has beenpostponed, we might as well visit the museum.
4) 個二次世界大戰期間他一直和父母住在澳大利亞。
Hestayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ
5) 自 1985 年從南京大學畢業至今,可以說我與我的大學同學失去了聯系。
Since I graated from Nanjing Universityin 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.
Unit 3
1) 正如科學家所預言的那樣,全球污染成了人類面臨的最嚴重的問題之一。
As is predicted by scientists, globalpollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.
2) 謀求這些職位的競爭很激烈——今年的求職者是去年的五倍。
Competition for these jobs is very tough–we have five times as many applicants this year as we didlast year. There arefive times as many applicants this year as there were last year.
3) 正如事實表明的那樣,教育大綱應當符合國家的經濟發展計劃。
As the factsshow, ecational programs needto fit into the national plan for economical development.
4) 這輛汽車太費油,而且價錢幾乎是我想付的兩倍。
The car burns too much gas, andmoreover,the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.
5) 要了解一起重大的國際事件,我們首先需要考慮其歷史與政治背景。
To understand a great international event,we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background toit.
Unit 4
1) 據報道,聯合國斡旋者制定出了他們希望雙方都能接受的方案。
It is reported that UN mediators haveworked out a plan which they hopewill beacceptable to both sides.
2) 多麗絲小心翼翼的在森林裡行走,害怕遭到大蛇的攻擊。
Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giantsnakes.
3) 地震、台風和其他自然災害無法防止,但可以採取行動保護生命財產安全。
Earthquakes, typhoons and other naturaldisaters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life andproperty.
4) 我買了新的一期我最喜歡的體育雜志就趕緊回家,急著想讀之自娛。
I bought a new issue of myfavorite sportsmagazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.
5) 海倫缺乏自信。我從未遇到過像他那樣沒有自信的人。
Helen lacks confidence. I』ve never knownanyone so unsure of herself.
Unit 5
1) 我不太清楚哪兒你能找到個好木工——你最好四處打聽打聽。
I』m not sure where you can find a goodcarpenter---you』d better ask around.
2) 他感到有點尷尬,趕緊清了清喉嚨,抬頭看著牆上的畫。
Feeling a little embarrassed, he quicklycleared histhroat and looked up at the painting on the wall.
3) 邁克爾去世了,留下三個兒子、兩個女兒和妻子伊麗莎白。
Michael was survived by three sons,twodaughters, and his wife Elizabeth.
4) 作為金融專家,威廉建議我們投資股票市場。
a financial expert, William As advised usto invest our money in the stockmarket.
5) 我們這些小零售商無法和超市在價格和銷售等方面競爭。
We small retailers can』t compete withsupermarkets in pricing and sales.
Unit 6
1. 在我上大學之前,祖父對我說的那幾句充滿智慧的話給我留下了深刻印象。
Before I went off to university, mygrandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.
2. 千萬別把我的傷勢告訴我父母,我會很感激你的。
Never tell my parents about my injuries andI』ll be very grateful to you (for it).
3. 我們有幾個同事在會上提出了改進工作環境的合理。
Atthe meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestionsaboutimproving our working environment.
4. 迫於工會壓力,資方同意給工人增加 10%的工資。
The management has/have agreed to grant theworkers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.
5. 女主人考慮得很周到,在我們到來之前把房子打掃得乾乾凈凈。
It was very thoughtful of the hostess togive the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.
Unit 7
1) 當地一家公司承擔了此項工程,但工程沒完工就破產了。
A local business undertook the project butwent bankrupt before it was completed.
2) 我和你做筆交易—你替我洗車,我晚上把車借給你開。
Let』s make a deal—you wash my car, and I』lllet you use it tonight.
3) 我們到達那個我們本以為已毀於那次大地震的村莊時,卻發現它只受到輕微損失。
We got to the village which we thought musthave been wiped outin the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.
4) 我的花園即乾燥又背陰。在那樣的環境里,很少有植物能茁壯成長。
My garden is dry and shady—few plantsthrive in that condition.
5) 那位電影明星的死亡真相至今仍被謎團籠罩著。
Mystery still surrounds the exact truthbehind the film star』s death/exact circumstance of the film star』s death.
Unit 8
1) 沒有個人檔案,求職者很難指望受雇當老師。
Without his personal file, an applicant canhardly expect to get/ be employed as a teacher.
2) 有了足夠的冰,我們就能冰這些飲料了。
Withenough ice, we wouldbe able to chill the drinks.
3) 依我愚見, 閱讀是打發閑暇的最悅人方式。
my humble opinion, reading us In the mostpleasant way to spend one』s leisure.
4) 有人說,美國運動員邁克爾•菲爾普斯在 2008 北京奧運會上贏得 8 塊金牌簡 直是奇跡。
Some people said it was simply a miraclethat the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008Beijing Olympic Games.
5) 洗衣機壞了,我們只能用手洗衣服了。
The washing machine has broken down, so wehave to wash our clothes by hand.
工業工程(IE) 國際工業工程(IIE)
Power shortage a serious impediment to the development of the national economy. Experience around the world shows that the pace of development of electricity proction should be higher than the growth rate of other sectors, in order to promote the coordinated development of the national economy, so the electric power instry has been called an economic "vanguard."
If China's economic development is likened to the "body", then the power engineering construction is undoubtedly support the body flexible movement "bones." How can I ask a healthy body able to leave strong bones it? Continuously push forward the construction of power like the bones provides unlimited energy, plenty of energy supply is a strong guarantee for the effective functioning of the body of the function.
2012, by the world economic recovery is slow and the impact of domestic macro-control, China's economic growth continued decelerating trend, the annual GDP 51.9322 trillion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 7.8% over the previous year. Since 2000, China's power consumption, the proction rate has been higher than GDP growth, which makes electricity (proction, consumption) long-term elasticity coefficient greater than 1, so that the energy consumption per unit of GDP has been difficult to come down, indicating that the strong momentum of China's electricity consumption .
"Twelve Five" will be a key period for China's development mode transformation of electricity, power companies have to seize the opportunity to accelerate the innovation and development, adhere to conservation priority, a priority to develop hydropower, optimizing the development of coal, to develop nuclear power, and actively promote new energy generation, moderate development of gas central power, local conditions to develop distributed generation, to accelerate the construction of a strong smart grid, promote the development of the equipment instry, and promote the harmonious development of the green. "Twelve Five" period, the country's electricity instry investment will reach 5.3 trillion yuan, than the "Eleventh Five" increased by 68%. Aspects of power project construction, "Twelve Five Year Plan" power investment of about 2.75 trillion yuan, accounting for 52% of all electricity investments. By 2015, the national power generation capacity will reach 1.437 billion kilowatts, an average annual increase of 8.5%. Among them, water is 284 million kilowatts, 41 million kilowatts pumped storage, coal 933 million kilowatts, 43 million kilowatts of nuclear power, natural gas power 30 million kilowatts, 100 million kilowatts of wind power, solar power 2 million kilowatts, biomass power generation and other 300 million kilowatts.
Power grid construction, "Twelve Five Year Plan" grid investment of about 2.55 trillion yuan, accounting for 48% of total electricity investment. In 2015 the country will form the north, east and central China UHV power grid as the core of the "three vertical and three horizontal" main grid. Ximeng, Mengxi, Zhangbei, North Shaanxi energy base by three longitudinal UHV transmission channel to the north, east and central China, northern coal, Southwest Water through three lateral UHV access to the north, central and Yangtze River Delta UHV power transmission ring.
The rapid development of power engineering construction and reasonable structure for China's economic development provides a strong guarantee, robust "bones" to promote the sound and rapid development of national economy.
9、求一篇施工方面文章及英文翻譯 謝
Civil engineering is a concept that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. The act of civil construction and engineering includes bridges, roads, canals, airports, dams and buildings. These are merely just a few examples of what civil construction and engineering is about.
Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines after military engineering. It has been an aspect of life since the beginning of human existence. Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineering and architecture.
One of the main aspects of civil construction and engineering is structural engineering. With structural engineering a structure needs to be able to successfully support itself as well as being able to resist loads. It is the job of a structural engineer to ensure that the design and construction of aspects such as bridges, roads and airports etc are safe and successful for their function. Some of the design considerations that need to be kept in mind are the strength, stiffness and stability of the civil construction. All of these need to commit to safety checks so that the structure can hold itself. Other considerations that need to be kept in mind when it comes to the civil construction and engineering includes the cost, constructability, safety, aesthetics and sustainability of the proposed structure.
In the society that we live in today it is safe to say that society wouldn't work without civil construction and engineering. This is because the infrastructures that we use in our daily lives, the infrastructures that support our daily lives wouldn't be in existence if it wasn't for civil construction and engineering. We use aspects such as roads and harbours, railways and airports, hospitals, sports stadiums and schools, access to drinking water and shelter from the weather in our daily lives without a second thought to the construction and engineering that is behind them. We rely more than ever on building contractor teams and inventive people who design and build as well as maintain the sophisticated environment that surrounds our everyday life.
The job of a civil construction team/engineer is more than merely the building side of these infrastructures. They have many activities that they must do every day, including drafting, decision making, computer interaction, communication, documentation, creative thinking, organising, information collecting, estimating and analysing. It is the job of a construction engineer to draft and design structures and show others how to build them. A construction engineer has to analyse information and make the right decision to solve the problems.
If you are a business owner or the owner of property who wishes to expend and build civil structures such as a road to provide easier access or an extension is needed at an airport, it is essential that you enlist the help of a building contractor team who are highly skilled and experienced in undertaking all aspects of civil building and construction. The building contractor team should have structural engineers who are able to undertake the planning and safety aspects of the design to ensure that the finished proct is up to standards.