加快重建 最高補助2.6萬元
補助對象 按照《實施意見》,「5•12」地震後彭州市行政區內,經房屋安全評估為住房災毀不能居住(滅失、倒塌、嚴重損壞)的本地正住戶口的農村村民,將成為農村災毀房屋的補助對象。
補助標准 其平均補助標准,為每戶2萬元。根據受災補助對象的經濟狀況和家庭人數實行分類分檔補助,具體補助標准將分為兩類三檔。一般農戶:1—3人家庭16000元,4—5人家庭19000元,6人以上家庭22000元;低保戶:1—3人家庭20000元,4—5人家庭23000元,6人及以上家庭26000元。農戶家庭人數、低保戶的認定,以2008年5月11日戶口和檔案記載為准。恢復重建永久性住房的補助將按照建房進度等要求發放。
申請程序 據介紹,申請補助程序為:第一步,受災群眾以戶為單位自願向災毀房屋所在地村集體經濟組織提出補助申請,並提供戶口證明材料、房屋及宅基地權屬證明材料或國土、房管部門確認的宅基地面積和房屋面積;第二步,村集體經濟組織對擬補助對象進行初步調查、核實;第三步,村民評議小組(由村集體經濟組織召開村民會議產生)對擬補助對象進行評議;第四步,村集體經濟組織將擬補助對象名單予以公示;第五步,村集體經濟組織將經公示無異議後的擬補助對象向鎮政府申報,由鎮政府進行審核;第六步,鎮政府將審核後的擬補助對象報民政局審批,彭州市民政局將審批後最終確定的補助對象名單予以張榜公布。
尊重意願 重建方式六選一
原址重建 在符合規劃的前提下,補助對象可按原合法取得的宅基地面積重建。同時,必須遵守「不在地質災害危險區;原址重建佔地面積應不大於原合法取得的宅基地面積;補助對象不得在原村集體經濟組織內再申請宅基地,且不得享受『拆院並院』每人8000元的建房補助;原址重建不得在省道、縣道路兩邊夾道建設,不得在統規自建和統規統建安置用地區內建設」等規定。
統規自建 經三分之二以上村民同意,由村集體經濟組織或其引進的社會資金投資者作為項目實施主體進行基礎設施、公共服務設施建設,並給予補助對象每人8000元的建房補助,由補助對象按規劃自行建設住房。如引進社會資金的,合作協議由村集體經濟組織上報。節約的建設用地,項目實施主體可利用城鄉建設用地增減掛鉤的政策,掛鉤到建新區依法使用,也可通過集體建設用地流轉方式取得土地使用權,按照規劃用於旅遊業、服務業、商業和工業等。
統規統建 對規劃確定的農村新型社區和集中居住點實行統一規劃、集中建設。對補助對象自願選擇入住統一建設的安置住房,按照每戶人均建築面積35平方米的標准分配,每戶應按政府給予的住房重建補助資金等額繳納建房費。統規統建實施主體可以是當地政府或農村集體經濟組織,也可以引進社會資金按「拆院並院」項目實施。
異地安置 對有創業能力、自願舉家搬遷的補助對象,允許其自願放棄宅基地異地安居置業,鼓勵其到天彭鎮、致和鎮、蒙陽鎮、麗春鎮、通濟鎮居住,補助對象不再申請宅基地。補助對象自願放棄宅基地的集體建設用地,按市場化配置的原則,由當地政府或「拆院並院」項目實施主體給予一次性貨幣補償。在成都市范圍內置業安居的,可享受廉租房、經濟適用房、限價房等住房保障政策,並享受入戶、社保、醫療、就業和子女入學等待遇。
4、大學生自主創業 地點:彭州(地震重災區) 建築業方面怎樣可以享受到最大的政策優惠?
1. 品牌形象
2. 口味傳承
5. 培訓支持
6. 宣傳營銷
7. 整店輸出
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:hjw_0216 - 魔法師 四級 5-2 03:42
Instrial Park Planning
Petrochemical Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Instrial Park is located within two towns, Longfeng and Danjingshan. The current zoning covers 8.4 square kilometers while the long-term zoning is 15.3 square kilometers. Within the park, traffics are divided separately for cargo and passenger uses. It is planned, in three phases, to build this Petrochemical Instrial Park a modern large scaled petrochemical base with an annual capacity to handle 10 million tons of petroleum, one million tons of ethylene, and one million tons of aromatic hydrocarbons. This base will be energy efficient and environmental friendly, with advanced technologies by international standards and in the first class by domestic standards.
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone is located on the south of Chuangye Road of Pengzhou Development Zones and on the east of S. Hualong Road and Union Pharmaceuticals Ave. It occupies 1.62 square kilometers, on both north and south sides of Qing-Guan railway. It is mainly used for the development of petrochemical supporting instries such as plastics processing, paint, leather, and chemicals.
Labor Intensive Instries Zone
Labor Intensive Instries Zone is on the southeast of the Services Instry Zone, which is located on the south of the towns, and southwest of the Union Pharmaceuticals. This zone is mainly used for the development of labor intensive instries, such as furniture manufacturing and garment processing. Planning for this area is 2.1 square kilometers.
回答者:liangsue - 舉人 五級 5-2 04:51
(1)The area programming of the instry park
Petrochemical instry park area
Locate the 隆 plentiful town and view mountain of 丹s, program the area in the near future about 8.4 square kilometers, the long-term programming item covers about 15.3 square kilometers, the road in the base transportation practices person's goods reposition of rendant personnel.Draw up to use 15 years divide three construction to expect to set up that area ten million ton oil refining, megaton ethylene, the megaton 芳 hydrocarbon of" international forerunner, the domestic is top-grade", economize the type, the ecosystem a modern and large petroleum chemical engineering base.
Petrochemical instry kit area
Locate the 彭 state instry development area starts a business the south of the road, spending the south road, the federal system medicine east trunk highway of dragon to the east, follow pure infuse two sides( cover the area 1.62 square kilometers of) of the railroad south north, the main development plastics process, petrochemical kit instry of etc. of coating, the leather chemical engineering.
Labor intensive instry instry base
Locate the city south work 貿 service kit south of the area, to the east, the federal system west of the medicine, with south region, the main development furniture proce, the clothing processes etc. labor intensive an instry, program the area about 2.1 square kilometers.
回答者:金戰士 - 魔法學徒 一級 5-2 08:06
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone is located on the south of Chuangye Road of Pengzhou Development Zones and on the east of S. Hualong Road and Union Pharmaceuticals Ave. It occupies 1.62 square kilometers, on both north and south sides of Qing-Guan railway. It is mainly used for the development of petrochemical supporting instries such as plastics processing, paint, leather, and chemicals.
回答者:娜娜267 - 試用期 一級 5-2 08:45
Petrochemical Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Instrial Park is located within two towns, Longfeng and Danjingshan. The current zoning covers 8.4 square kilometers while the long-term zoning is 15.3 square kilometers. Within the park, traffics are divided separately for cargo and passenger uses. It is planned, in three phases, to build this Petrochemical Instrial Park a modern large scaled petrochemical base with an annual capacity to handle 10 million tons of petroleum, one million tons of ethylene, and one million tons of aromatic hydrocarbons. This base will be energy efficient and environmental friendly, with advanced technologies by international standards and in the first class by domestic standards
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone is located on the south of Chuangye Road of Pengzhou Development Zones and on the east of S. Hualong Road and Union Pharmaceuticals Ave. It occupies 1.62 square kilometers, on both north and south sides of Qing-Guan railway. It is mainly used for the development of petrochemical supporting instries such as plastics processing, paint, leather, and chemicals.
Labor Intensive Instries Zone
Labor Intensive Instries Zone is on the southeast of the Services Instry Zone, which is located on the south of the towns, and southwest of the Union Pharmaceuticals. This zone is mainly used for the development of labor intensive instries, such as furniture manufacturing and garment processing. Planning for this area is 2.1 square kilometers
回答者:zhanggehao - 魔法師 四級 5-2 09:24
全是高手啊! 這么拼搏啊!
回答者:huasky - 試用期 一級 5-2 09:47
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:hjw_0216 - 魔法師 四級 5-2 03:42
Instrial Park Planning
Petrochemical Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Instrial Park is located within two towns, Longfeng and Danjingshan. The current zoning covers 8.4 square kilometers while the long-term zoning is 15.3 square kilometers. Within the park, traffics are divided separately for cargo and passenger uses. It is planned, in three phases, to build this Petrochemical Instrial Park a modern large scaled petrochemical base with an annual capacity to handle 10 million tons of petroleum, one million tons of ethylene, and one million tons of aromatic hydrocarbons. This base will be energy efficient and environmental friendly, with advanced technologies by international standards and in the first class by domestic standards.
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone is located on the south of Chuangye Road of Pengzhou Development Zones and on the east of S. Hualong Road and Union Pharmaceuticals Ave. It occupies 1.62 square kilometers, on both north and south sides of Qing-Guan railway. It is mainly used for the development of petrochemical supporting instries such as plastics processing, paint, leather, and chemicals.
Labor Intensive Instries Zone
Labor Intensive Instries Zone is on the southeast of the Services Instry Zone, which is located on the south of the towns, and southwest of the Union Pharmaceuticals. This zone is mainly used for the development of labor intensive instries, such as furniture manufacturing and garment processing. Planning for this area is 2.1 square kilometers.
回答者:htfutffh - 試用期 一級 5-2 09:55
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:sxy525 - 試用期 一級 5-2 10:18
回答者:Kelly_Jackie - 助理 二級 5-2 10:39
這些怎麼都是Chinese English呀
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park lays in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical Supporting Instrial Zone is located on the south of Chuangye Road of Pengzhou Development Zones and on the east of S. Hualong Road and Union Pharmaceuticals Ave. It occupies 1.62 square kilometers, on both north and south sides of Qing-Guan railway. It is mainly used for the development of petrochemical supporting instries such as plastics processing,paint,leather,chemicals
and so on.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres .
現在基本OK 了
回答者:祝莫寒 - 經理 四級 5-2 10:40
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:風一樣飄零 - 試用期 一級 5-2 10:42
Instry garden plan petrochemical instry garden lie in grand Fengzhen and red Jingshan town, planning area is about 8.4 sq. km. in the near future, long-term planning project takes up an area of about 15.3 sq. km. , the road traffic in the base shunts people's goods. Plan to use and divide three construction periods and build up this district into oil refining of ten million tons , ethylene of megaton , " international advanced , domestic and first-class " of the aromatic hydrocarbon of megaton in 15 years, saving type, modern large-scale base of petrochemical instry of ecotype. Petrochemical instry person who form a complete set lie Peng state instrial development zone start an undertaking Luis, colored Longnan road,, federal pharmacy east arterial highway with the east, along clear to irritate railway north and south both sides (cover an area of 1.62 sq. km. ), mainly develop related instries of petrochemical instry such as plastic processing , coating , leather chemical instry ,etc.. The instrial instrial base of the labor-intensive lies in in the city south instry and trade serves to the south of the related district, with the east, to the west of federal pharmacy , areas to the south, mainly develop furniture proction , clothes in the labour-intensive instry of processing etc., planning area is about 2.1 sq. km.
回答者:1382678999 - 試用期 一級 5-2 11:03
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:596670667 - 經理 四級 5-2 11:04
Instrial park planning
SHIHUA Instrial Park is in longfeng own and danjingshan town,and there is recent planning [840 square kilometres] and long-term planning [15.3 square kilometres] for it where there will be a trafic shunt.
In 3 construction period ,the SHIHUA Instrial Park will be a advanced international , domestic first-class and modern large petrochemical base with 10 million tons of oil ,one million tons of ethylene and 1 million tons of aromatic hydrocarbon.
Petrochemical instries supporting District is nearly 1.62 square kilometres and is in the south of the chuangye road of the pengzhou instries developed zone,east of the hualong road{south} and federation medical arterial road .along the south and north line of the Qingguan railway.
The mainly development of Petrochemical instries supporting District is to developing the petrochemical supporting instries such as
Plastics processing, paint, leather, chemical.
Labor-intensive instries instrial base is on the southeast area of the Southen Services Zone supporting the Trade and Instry and the of the southwest area of the federation medical .
The mainly development of it is to developing labor-intensive instries such as Furniture proction, garment processing ,the planning area is 2.1 square kilometres
回答者:youyizhong - 助理 二級 5-2 11:07
(1) the instrial garden area plan petrification instry garden area is located prosperous Fengzhen and the Dan Jingshan town, in the near future will plan the area approximately 8.4 square kilometers, the forward plan project occupying a land area of 15.3 square kilometers, in the base road traffic will implement the human goods divergence approximately. Plans to complete with 15 years three construction periods this area thousands of ton to refine oil "internationally, million tons ethylene, million tons aromatic hydrocarbons is advanced domestically, first-class", economy, ecotype modern large-scale